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Hesap engellemesi
Selamlar sevgili forum üyeleri an itibari ile shutterstock dan engellenmiş durumdayım. Ağabeyim ile ortaklaşa bir hesap açtık ve benim eski shutter hesabımı kapattık içerikleri tekrar buraya yüklemiştik ve bir yıl gibi bir zaman geçti şimdi hesabımız engellendi aynı içeriği paylaşmaktan ama içerik piyasada yok silinmiş silnen bir içerik yüzünden bizim bu ortak hesabı engellediler ve ticket sistemi tamamen otomatik hiç bir şekilde bir insanla muhattap olamıyorsunuz. Daha önce başına böyle uyarı veya hesap engellenmesi gibi bir durum gelen var mı ? Nasıl bir yol izlememiz gerekiyor şimdiden teşekkür ediyorum yorumlarınızı bekliyorum. Pörtföy 400 4K video 1500 fotoğrafdan oluşmaktaydı.

"Your Shutterstock account has been disabled due to copyright infringement issues with your content, specifically images, (1511917892, 1511917895, 1511917907) originally found here (1482547205, 1484358206, 1473848816). Based upon our investigation, we have determined that you made a material misrepresentation to Shutterstock.

Shutterstock will only consider an appeal of this decision if one or more of the following is provided to infringementclaims@shutterstock.com: 1) the original, unedited RAW files; 2) proof of copyright registration; OR 3) other evidence that substantiates that you are the copyright holder.

Shutterstock will not reinstate accounts, pay any pending earnings, or allow you to open another Shutterstock account without the proof requested above.

Please note that Shutterstock may not respond to appeals that do not provide the copyright proof listed above.

IP Team, Shutterstock"

If you have any questions, please contact support at submit@shutterstock.com

Thank You.

--ShutterStock SupportDear Mahir KART,

"Your Shutterstock account has been disabled due to copyright infringement issues with your content, specifically images, (1511917892, 1511917895, 1511917907) originally found here (1482547205, 1484358206, 1473848816). Based upon our investigation, we have determined that you made a material misrepresentation to Shutterstock.

Shutterstock will only consider an appeal of this decision if one or more of the following is provided to infringementclaims@shutterstock.com: 1) the original, unedited RAW files; 2) proof of copyright registration; OR 3) other evidence that substantiates that you are the copyright holder.

Shutterstock will not reinstate accounts, pay any pending earnings, or allow you to open another Shutterstock account without the proof requested above.

Please note that Shutterstock may not respond to appeals that do not provide the copyright proof listed above.

IP Team, Shutterstock"

If you have any questions, please contact support at submit@shutterstock.com

Thank You.

--ShutterStock Support

Bu Konudaki Yorumlar
Hesap engellemesi - Yazar: sefakart - 03-04-2020, 11:22 AM
RE: Hesap engellemesi - Yazar: Kartal-07 - 03-17-2020, 02:12 PM
RE: Hesap engellemesi - Yazar: piko - 03-21-2020, 11:05 AM

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