Mail geldi bugün böyle yazmışlar
According to our records, your payment failed due to the following:
Amount: ...
Status: Denied
Reason Code: Internal error
In order for us to reissue your payment to your PayPal account, please provide us with written or visual proof from PayPal for your account: ......., that it is ACTIVE, VERIFIED, and able to RECEIVE payments. Once payments are generated, they cannot be returned back to your Shutterstock balance and they must be reissued via our payment processes.
Please reply to us by clicking Reply to this email. You can copy and paste any written communication from PayPal in your reply. Please do not create a separate email into support regarding this issue as it may delay your payment reissue processing time.
Şimdi Paypal ile iletişime geçeceğim bakalım.
According to our records, your payment failed due to the following:
Amount: ...
Status: Denied
Reason Code: Internal error
In order for us to reissue your payment to your PayPal account, please provide us with written or visual proof from PayPal for your account: ......., that it is ACTIVE, VERIFIED, and able to RECEIVE payments. Once payments are generated, they cannot be returned back to your Shutterstock balance and they must be reissued via our payment processes.
Please reply to us by clicking Reply to this email. You can copy and paste any written communication from PayPal in your reply. Please do not create a separate email into support regarding this issue as it may delay your payment reissue processing time.
Şimdi Paypal ile iletişime geçeceğim bakalım.